Dungeon building
Finally I'm back on with some Kings of War while juggling all the other side projects. I've tried more and more detail on multibasing that I've been using but the units are now split into two very separate groups:
- Those to keep on 20/25mm bases to use for other games
- Those to go all-out and will only be used for KoW
Buoyed by the sheer number of manufacturers for the base I thought I'd follow suit with the minis. Current bits for the base are:
- Dark Ops - laser cut MDF base with snazzy wound counters
- Games Workshop - mordheim corner stones
- B&Q - filler
- Monlith - Mythic battles columns
- Peco - Railway walling for cobbbles
- Greenstuff World - coarse cork
- Mantic - Warhammer (just for the irony)
- Citadel
- Heresy
- Copplestone
- Grenadier
- MB Games
- Midlam Minatures
Here's a set of WIP pictures
Raw Components and And keying the plastic walling to give it more grab to the MDF. I used superglue and it bonded fine. MDF tends to absorb glue but the thicker style glue I use doesn't seem to have any issues. It's force of habit keying surfaces and I'm not 100% sure it's needed for superglue.
Finally all the details such as the hinges, skulls and warhammer are picked out and highlighted. After the washing, the stone and floor are given a final couple of dry brushes ending in white. Now the challenge of fitting all the figure so the base. I've really enjoyed a first stab at "proper" multibasing and have other plans lined up for the next set of units.
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