
Showing posts from December, 2020

Getting Dirty - Painting grimy industrial scenery

Having knocked out a few more Deadzone models (I may stick a blog up about them too at some point) I thought it would be fun to delve into the box of scenery that I picked up a while ago. It was a combination of some ebay purchases and a box of bits from a great local guy at a Kings of War Event. I didn't really know where to start so grabbed whatever bits came to light first and started chucking them together. Within a few hours I  concocted the idea I was building a hide out for the rebs in an abandoned mining complex. It meant I could use some of the odds and ends I had laying around from Star Saga and Ramshackle Games' resin parts. Now with some big lumps done I took a couple of plates and thought I would try out some test paint pieces. Ever since seeing Nick Williams doing some on his Orks I'd had in the back of my mind trying the salt and hairspray method of painting. This was brought even further to life with one of my clubmates showing me some of the pics he'd ...